Monday, February 22, 2010

Gold as the ultimate extinguisher of debt

If we accept the thesis that exorbitant debt and the destruction of capital is at the root of the present crisis, then we'll be directed to the solution of the problem. The solution is gold. The reason why there can be no resolution of the crisis without gold is two-fold.

* Gold is the only form of capital that is immune to destruction under any circumstances.
* Gold is the only ultimate extinguisher of debt.

I shall deal with the first reason in a moment. Here I just point out that when a debtor repays his debt by handing over Federal Reserve notes to his creditor, the debt is not extinguished. It is merely transferred to the Federal Reserve bank that issued the note. Transferring debt is not the same as extinguishing it.

One reason for the present plight of the world is that for the past forty years gold, the only ultimate extinguisher of debt, has been forcibly prevented by the U.S. government to discharge its debt-extinguishing function. As a consequence the debt-tower has kept growing, rain or shine. Conversely, until policy-makers at the Fed and the Treasury will understand that there is no substitute for gold in taming the debt-monster, their tinkering at the edges will keep making the global debt crisis worse.

Read complete story

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